Saturday, October 24, 2009

Art imitates life... and is generally funnier.


I feel like if I apologize for not updating every time I don't update for ever, it's going to create a vicious pattern. So I won't apologize. Nope. Just gonna write. (Ok, fine, I'm sorry for sucking at this blawg. I'd blame alcohol, but that didn't work for my resignation as dean of Duke University's School of Business, and certainly didn't work for my third marriage.)

Ok, let's get to business. It's Saturday, there's Big Ten football in the background, and I have appeals due this week. As a result, any "legal" writing done here is going to be light-hearted.

So, it is with much joy that I finally compile and present my favorite TV attorneys of all time.

5. Cliff McCormack-the jaded, snarky (as all characters in this program are) and loveable public defender in Veronica Mars.
Why we love him: The snark (obviously), the self admitted faults (all good attorneys know they're not gods), and their ability to "think outside the box." Example:

4. Marshall Eriksen- the wacky fledgling, sit-com-y attorney in How I Met Your Mother.
Why we love him: Well, ok, besides one particular reader noting similarities between myself and counsel Eriksen, I can't help but find any reason to not like him. He's unbelievably relatable to young law students, and attorneys getting out in the market. He's unabashed, portrays real fears and hopes, and is just real. It's not LA Law, when everyone's already instantly successful, and it's not a sleazy guy fulfilling a stereotype. His frighteningly accurate fears are notably depicted here:

3. Saul Goodman- the "Holy-shit-did-he-just-get-away-with-that-and-how-can-I-just-kidding-ethics-hotline" attorney.
Why we love him (or hate to love him, I suppose): Ok, to be fair, I do have a soft-spot for anything Odenkirk related. Both he (Mr. Show, Melvin Goes to Dinner, a multitude of Adult Swim successes) and his brother (long time staff writer for the Simpsons) are talented comedic writers and actors. And the venue could not be any better. He brings such a real seediness to criminal defense that is both admirable (in the worst way, mind you) and inventive. Like McCormack, supra, his ability to think outside the box is indeed compelling. Also, his near-hatred and disregard for clients does appeal to those of us who have had a difficult day with people whose expectations sometimes get a little too high. Example:

2. Allen Shore- the windbagged, "big picture," over-the-top, ultimate trial attorney.
Why we love him: He does everything you're told not to do in Trial Techniques.

1. Lionel Hutz- the law-talking guy.
Why we love him: Phil Hartman + Simpsons + just awesomeness = PERSONAL ICON AND HERO. There's just too many things to reference, so I'll just throw you some clips:

Honorable Mention- Harvey Birdman