Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Updates and Logistics

Hello all,

1. Apologies for the delay in writing- it's been a hectic couple of weeks with work, trying to find work, figuring out the start-up costs for my firm, etc. So let's start with the most significant update in the goal of being established on my own:

2. I met with a potential client! This was through the Santa Clara County Bar Associations Modes Means panel. I feel I must drop a plug for this program for a couple of reasons. First, it worked! I signed up, and got a referral relatively quick and have a meeting with a potential mentor at the end of the week, so there are checks and balances for new attorneys. Second, it provides a valuable service to the public- especially in matters that may not be court appointed, it is nice to know that there are places to go for sliding scale rates. As for the client meeting, it all happened pretty fast, and big props to Leela for suggesting that I not have the interaction in my home. (See below for needing an office space.)

3. After a productive networking event last week with the Santa Clara and San Mateo County Bar Associations' Barristers section, I got some valuable information on the Private Defender program in San Mateo. I'm hoping to get some more information on the viability of being a panel member, and the cost to meet the requirements. (Currently, you need to have a PO Box in the San Mateo/Palo Alto area, and have a place to meet clients.)

4. Dovetailing from #3, I'm beginning an ongoing list of things I'll need, and costs, so that I can set up a budget. Things like all-in-one printers, legal research libraries, office space, phone lines, etc., are being considered. It's daunting to be sure, but I know if I don't confront it head on, I will certainly regret it.

5. Having spoken with a friend of mine who's in the biz of web development (shotout to Dani), I'm spending more and more time thinking about my own website and what it needs to help me and generate clients and perhaps even independent revenue. Right now, I'm really liking sites like that take national legal events and boil them down to solo practice. It's a good model, and one that I hope to learn from and incorporate in to my own practice.

6. Pursuant to further good suggestions from Leela, supra, I'm considering some "weekly features" of the blawg. These features would essentially and simultaneously do two things: keep you coming back to read, and force me in to a routine of writing. Kind of a chicken-egg thing, you know? Potential ideas right now are simple legal advice on say, a Monday (ex., how to deal with a ticket, write a demand letter, file in small claims court, etc.) a wacky law story deal on Fridays. Thoughts?

7. I'm currently working on a writ of mandate for my day job- hence the numbered paragraphs.

8. Those are the bulk of the updates. Yes, everything is still very much up in the air, and it's scary as hell. Still, I have a great support network from my loved ones (especially those of which have an inclination to reference one great movie from the 90's), and I think I'm making some headway into establishing a good professional support network. I've discovered that while solo practitioners (and again, I'm having a HUGE issue spelling that word) work very much independently, there still exists a largely fraternal atmosphere to those who "go it alone." Perhaps it is that lonely nature of the work, or perhaps the desire to see others succeed- either way, I am grateful for tapping in to it and I hope that somewhere down the line I can return the favor.

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